Tag: Stark

Memo1: Here’s the Stark Reality: You Can’t Have It All

Dear Team, I wanted to share a hard truth that I’ve come to understand through years of experience in the world of data analysis and business intelligence. It’s a reality that we often overlook in our pursuit of success, and it’s this: You can’t have it all. In a f...

Stark Admissions, some History, and a Callup for 200,000 More

Margarita Simonyan, a popular Russian propagandist for Putin, had some telling revelations that hint at a level of realization that Russians haven’t yet come to terms with — that Russia loses wars that it fights alone. She called the war in Ukraine the most difficult war in Russia&#39...

Gone Stark Raving Bitch

Living in solitude surrounded by nature, I was skirting all the rosy edges of those mood spectrums a bipolar person is inclined to visit. Now, being unwillingly thrust into the throngs, I’m mainlining those full-on bitch spectrums. This is why I lived in the wilderness for one-thi...