Tag: Spoilers

Window boy would also like to have a submarine | Take you on a cruise for a spiritual search | Spoilers

window boy would also like to have a submarine’, by the Uruguayan Alex Piperno, tells three simultaneous stories. The Uruguayan girl living a quiet life in a comfy apartment, the Window Boy, a cruise worker constantly escaping from work, and the Filipino peasants facing the randomness of natur...

When I realized that Barbie (2023) was an adulterated critique of the women’s movement and disrespectful to second wave feminism; spoilers.

The bottom line, if you have not seen the film, is that second wave feminist ideals are fantasy land, and in the real world, the equality that Barbie strived for that the toys represent, has not been achieved. Real women want to have sex, the toys of Barbie Land are more interested in sisterhood tha...