Tag: Southeast

Hanoi: Uncovering the Hidden Gem of Southeast Asia

When we think of Southeast Asia, cities like Bangkok, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur often come to mind. But there’s one city that’s been hiding in plain sight, waiting for more travelers to discover its beauty: Hanoi. Nestled in the north of Vietnam, Hanoi is a city that’s ric...

Don’t tell me about your trip to Southeast Asia

As a software engineer, I’ve come to be surrounded by people similarly privileged to take nice, international trips. But as a Vietnamese-Filipina operating within the apparatus of an industry known for “yellow fever,” hearing about colleagues’ trips to Asia can be harrowin...

What is the origin of East and Southeast Asians?

East and Southeast Asians descend from the ancient prehistoric East Asian-related hunter gatherers, nomads and agriculturalists, also known as “East-Eurasian” or “Mongoloid” (sometimes also simply known as “Asiatic”). For a comprehensive summary see: Tao Z...