Tag: Solar

The Solar Stigma

Well, for starters, solar has a stigma. Believe it or not, the solar energy industry has been leaving a bad taste in homeowners’ mouths. From expensive prices to uncertain return on investment, going solar seems more like a burden, especially on your wallet, than an effort to become more susta...

Why I, a Clean Energy Writer, Don’t Use Rooftop Solar

We each have a tablet and it’s obvious that I’m over-matched. Mine displays a disjointed collection of spreadsheets I’ve created over the years, sporadically analyzing my personal energy use, filling in unknowns with the best information on Reddit. For inexplicable reasons, all my ...

US Solar Installations 2023

As 2023 comes to the close of a record-shattering yr, nearly 33 gigawatts [GW] or billion watts of solar will have been installed. [A GW is approximately the power of a nuclear or large coal plant]. This is a significant leap up from the 21 GW installed in 2022. Note the graph reflects utility, non-...

The China solar vs coal PARADOX . .

Are they a good green player or not? Why the new coal plants as well as solar? China is IMO likely a good green player and ChatGPT-4’s web research largely agrees. Besides, solar-wind-battery is now cheaper than coal plants and operations. They’d be nuts not to. The ke...

Solar, Wind, or Nuclear…?

The energy sector is rapidly changing, with advancements in technology, shifting energy policies, and a growing concern for environmental sustainability. As a result, the cost of energy generation is evolving too. To navigate these changes, it is important to understand the current trends in energy ...

The Sun: Our Solar System’s Life-Giving Star

The Sun, a fiery ball of plasma and energy, is the center of our solar system and the source of all life on Earth. Its immense gravitational pull keeps planets in orbit and its radiant heat drives weather patterns and sustains the delicate balance of our ecosystem. A Glimpse Inside the Sun&rsq...

What The Past Year’s Solar Return Chart Taught Me

My birthday fell on a Wednesday — Mercury’s day. At the precise moment the transiting Sun returned to the degree, minute, and second of my natal Sun, Mercury was at the 29th degree of Scorpio. That is an anaretic degree, symbolizing significant importance in terms of extreme expression a...

The Solar Plexus & The Heart Chakras

The position of the third chakra is in the solar plexus area(upper part of the belly). The colour associated with it is yellow, its symbol is a circle with 10 petals in which there is a downward pointing triangle. The element of The Manipura chakra is Fire. It is the core of our personality, our ...

The Space we share

lies our solar system, orchestrating in perfection. All of the stars are so worthy to mention, sparkling brightly, beckoning for our attention… as they are our ancestors. From the stars we are an extension. Visit Now

Parker Solar Probe, Touching the Sun’s Fiery Corona

The Sun, our nearest star, is an enigma with its corona, the outermost layer, reaching staggering temperatures of 500,000 degrees Celsius. This scorching region was first encountered by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe. It is not in a fictional narrative but through a groundbreaking mission that...

The Sun: Our Solar System’s Life-Giving Star

The Sun, a fiery ball of plasma and energy, is the center of our solar system and the source of all life on Earth. Its immense gravitational pull keeps planets in orbit and its radiant heat drives weather patterns and sustains the delicate balance of our ecosystem. A Glimpse Inside the Sun&rsq...

Balcony solar panels — one-year results

Using renewable energy is a popular trend in the 21st century. But how it really works? The best way to get an answer is to build such a system and to test it on their own. I bought two 160 Watt panels and installed them on my balcony. Results and details you will see in this article. Before we b...

Latest Breakthrough in Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) Technology

Space-based solar power involves harnessing solar energy in space using satellites equipped with solar panels, then transmitting the generated electricity wirelessly to Earth for various applications such as power generation . CASSIOPeiA is a space based solar power concept that stands for Constant ...

Unraveling the Mystery: How a Solar Flare Caused Explosions in Vietnam

In the heat of the conflict, Operation Pocket Money was initiated by the United States to disrupt North Vietnamese supply lines. Yet, on August 4th, several underwater mines detonated spontaneously, triggering chaos and confusion. The cause remained shrouded in secrecy until recently. Decades lat...

Solar Eclipse Stories I: The Greeks

Imagine if the sun went dark today right in the middle of the day, and you had no idea it was going to happen. It just disappeared, without warning. What would you think? What would you feel? Would you would be amazed? In awe? Full of wonder? Do you think you might be a little afraid? Would you be w...


In the realm of metaphysics and spirituality, eclipses serve as potent portals for transformation, urging us to delve deep within ourselves and realign with our true essence. As the Moon momentarily obscures the radiant face of the Sun, we’re called to explore the shadow aspects of our being, ...