Tag: Socialization

On “Male Socialization” and the “Trans Masc Versus Trans Fem” Discourse™

I won’t reiterate everything that I argued in those pieces, but I do want to hone in on one point: Nobody actually believes in “male socialization.” Or at least, not in the way they are implying when they deploy this phrase against trans female/feminine people. Granted, there wa...

On “Male Socialization” and the “Trans Masc Versus Trans Fem” Discourse™

I won’t reiterate everything that I argued in those pieces, but I do want to hone in on one point: Nobody actually believes in “male socialization.” Or at least, not in the way they are implying when they deploy this phrase against trans female/feminine people. Granted, there wa...

Multiracials’ Racial Socialization

East Asian Multiracials: Closer to Which Identity Among all East Asian multiracial groups (Asian-White, Asian-Hispanic, Asian-Black), men were least likely and women were most likely to identify with their East Asian background. This may be associated with the intersectionality of race ...

Culture & Socialization, A Review

In particular, we talk about how culture does the work of social solidarity: we become more likely to be committed to social structures when we have a culture around the structure. For example: if we value (culture) respecting property we are more likely to support/follow the laws (structure) about ...