Tag: Situations

7 New York City Restaurants for Niche Situations

Walking up to Estela, you are greeted by a humble door that emits quiet confidence. Just like what “Mr. Smith”, your father-in-law, said was the character trait that led to his success (even though he just updated you on the renovations for the new villa in Mallorca). With a quite necess...

Human situations need to be over-explained [or killing a joke as an anthropologist]

There is a joke I heard in Turkish-speaking circles when people want to ridicule sciences in general or any serious attempts to understand what human is. It goes like this: A group of academics get stranded out in a rural area. They find a village nearby, and a villager graciously offers to host ...

Why We Use “YOU” For Both Formal and Informal Situations in English?

The Origins of English Pronouns: “Thou” and “Ye” Let’s start at the beginning. In Old English, spoken from about 450 to 1100 AD, things were a bit different. Pronouns varied depending on who you were talking to and how many people you were addressing. The informal wa...