Tag: since

Hashicorp Licensing: What happened since?

On the 10th of August of this year, HashiCorp decided to change its source code license from Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPL 2.0) to the Business Source License (BSL, also known as BUSL) v1.1 on all future releases of HashiCorp products. Nevertheless, HashiCorp APIs, SDKs, and almost all ...

Recommendations for Portugal

Carly and I are fortunate enough to know people from different parts of the World. Since Portugal and specifically Porto became famous in the tourist circuit we keep getting asked for recommendations, so we joined together a bunch of things we had written to different friends and make it a blog post...

Since lava is liquid rock, would I sink in like quicksand if I fell in? Or could I walk across it?

I’ve seen a few people with absolutely no knowledge on the subject write answers about how lava is as dense as rock, so you could never sink into it. Allow me to state, unequivocally, that you absolutely can sink into molten lava. Now, you will only sink in to a certain degree and wh...