Tag: Signature

Trump’s Signature, What Does It Tell Us?

Donald Trump’s signature is not ordinary. If you have looked at it, you have surely noticed its extraordinary features. As a graphologist, I can’t resist having a deeper look at it. As a reminder, Graphology or handwriting analysis is the study of handwriting and how it r...

What is Toronto’s Signature Dish?

Moving to Toronto has been a whirlwind of change. From understanding the its public transport system to adapting to its unpredictable weather, every day in this city has been a learning curve. Among the many surprises, one aspect that caught my attention was the city’s incredibly diverse...

Why I Put Pronouns on my Email Signature (and LinkedIn profile) and You Should Too

As a cisgender person, it costs you nothing For a cisgender person (a person whose gender is in alignment with the sex they were assigned at birth- more on that another time!) there is little to no risk in sharing your pronouns. When you’ve never questioned what pronouns people use for y...

Finding Your Signature Handbag Style: A Complete Guide

A handbag is a reflection of your unique style, much more than just an item. An outfit may be made to appear put together and personal with the proper bag. But how do you choose a handbag that best fits your needs, lifestyle, and clothing when there are so many options? This full guide will walk ...

Bag Bliss: Secrets to Find Your Signature Handbag

Think about your needs and way of life for a minute before starting your search for the perfect purse. Take into account things like your daily schedule, the demands of your job, and your social activities. Do you require a roomy handbag to hold all of your necessities because you are always on the ...

How to Find Your Signature Style?

Alright, let’s take a moment to really understand what we mean when we talk about a signature style. So, picture this: it’s like your fashion DNA, the very essence of what makes you, well, you! Your signature style isn’t just about what you wear — it’s about how you wea...