Tag: Shining

Pokémon Shining Pearl- More than a Remake?

Pokémon Diamond was my first Pokémon game. No idea how to save, giving every Pokémon monotyped moves, I learnt the hard way through the mountainous region to a stale mate against Cynthia. By the end of the battle, despite my Empoleon’s struggles against her Milotic through...

Shining Sight on Site

It still has value. It might be copper instead. Or aluminum. Beaten and shaped into something useful. An everyday item or saved for when your friends come for dinner. I ventured into a small Middle Eastern shop in a farmers market in Montreal. It was packed with things you’d expect in a mar...

You’re Not A Victim, You’re A Shining Star!

Look towards the heaven and count the stars- if you can count them! And He said to him, “That is how your descendants will be.” -Genesis 15:5 In this week’s Torah portion, G-d defined the Jewish people (Abraham’s descendants): Shining stars! As numerous as the stars ...