Tag: Semi

How to Migrate Your Bevy Projects With (Semi-)Automation

Using open-source software can be a double-edged sword: We enjoy the latest features and innovations but hate frequent and sometimes tedious upgrades. Bevy is a fast and flexible game engine written in Rust. It aims to provide a modern and modular architecture, notably Entity Component Syste...

Thanks To Generation X, Gen Z Will Live The Semi-Retired Life

Because they saw their Gen X parents crash and burn. Or live life on the edge of crashing and burning. Or maybe because they saw their Gen X parents buck the trend of following the American dream set largely by the baby boomers. Large swaths of Generation Z will resist traditional full-time em...


We have a thing here in Chatham County, where I live called “The Chatlist”. It’s an email listserv that’s been around forever. It survived over the years where other listserv’s have disappeared or been replaced by newer tech, I think, because, it’s amassed a good ...

Trump’s Supreme Court Does Something Incredible!

We were both in a semi-depressed mood over me having to get the procedure done. My graft is only going to last less than two years! I thought to myself, sadly. Bob is always in a bad mood in the mornings, doing his impression of a grumpy old geezer. Not only do we have to get up before ...

Self-Driving Semi Trucks: Here today or tomorrow?

The technology behind self-driving semi-trucks is consistent with that of other self-driving vehicles, however on a larger and heavier scale. A combination of sensors (LiDAR), radar, and cameras all help illustrate the surrounding area in a digital map, whereas the computer can use algorithms to hel...

This is why Tesla Semi will change road transport forever

It’s been long since Tesla announced that it would start producing this class 8 semi-truck and time went by but the company has been very busy with its other products. Why a company that is so focused on ramping up its car business, that is so battery constrained, would spend so much effort...

Driving A Semi In Chicago

Another tale of life on the road, albeit a short one this time, was still a dramatic experience. One of a trucker's worst nightmares is trying to make a delivery in a major city on a Friday afternoon. Being in Chicago, the problem is compounded. The reason that time of the week is dreaded ...

What Is Semi-auto Biochemistry Analyzer?

The machine has a variety of colored filters that represent different wavelengths. They might range from 6 to 7 in number. You may also have an extra slot (1–2) for adding more filters if necessary. 340 nm, 405 nm, 500 nm, 546 nm, 578 nm, 620 nm, and 670 nm are some of the most popular wavelen...

How To Find The Area of The Semi-Circle?

This is another simple geometry puzzle I cam across on Twitter created by Catriona, who shares fun and aesthetic geometry problems. This is one of those simple yet satisfying to solve puzzles  Here’s a hint: draw some lines … I recommend you pause the article, grab your pe...

The Design of Semi-Everyday Things

Over the past month, I’ve been actively seeking inspiration to refine my taste. Coincidentally at work, my design team and I have been participating in a taste-building exercise. Our goal is to improve individual tastes and align them as a team. While it’s simple to choose things we like...