Tag: Selfs

The Authentic Self Is a Grand Illusion

I looked at the date of the social media post I’d just read and felt a sense of dread with a side serving of anxiety. My mind scrambled to find a loophole or perhaps a time machine to transport me back three days. How could I have missed this? As I sat on the couch, my anxiety growing, the ...

M.C. Escher’s Portrait of Self-Awareness

Claude Is a chatbot From Anthropic. This article contains a brief conversation that I had with Claude about the famous self portrait by M. C. Escher. Read More

Advice to my younger self and you after 20 years in programming

I have missed a lot more, and it took too long. I think I could have speedrun this career to get most of those attributes of success in 5 years if I applied early the attitude, the principles, and the priorities that I’ve learned. If you are starting your career, this text can save 15 years of...

Mourning My Younger Self

I was editing a video for my best friend’s bachelorette when I had to log into Facebook, and my Google Drive, to dig up some older pictures. We’d been friends for over 15 years, and I wanted some glimpses into the earlier stages of our epic friendship so I can use them in the montage. ...