Tag: Secretly

Are You Building a Company You’re Secretly Ashamed Of?

One of the entrepreneurs I work with was discovering the challenge of convincing people to buy her product again. She sells a custom soap for people with a certain type of skin sensitivity, it’s effective, and she has happy customers. Despite all of that, she was struggling to get repeat buyer...

Men: 3 Green Flags Women Secretly Look for on the First Date

Everyone wants to know the secret to nailing a first date with a new woman. You think about what you should wear and how you should smell, and sometimes even practice your initial greeting. Pump the breaks on all that. The good and bad news is that there is no secret. However There ar...

Are You Building a Company You’re Secretly Ashamed Of?

One of the entrepreneurs I work with was discovering the challenge of convincing people to buy her product again. She sells a custom soap for people with a certain type of skin sensitivity, it’s effective, and she has happy customers. Despite all of that, she was struggling to get repeat buyer...

9 Subtle Signs Someone Is Secretly Wealthy

I was taught that the fastest way to change your life is to act like the person you wanna become. Many often translate this to mean “fake it till you make it,” but it’s a bit more than that… You don’t have to pretend like you’ve got the money and accomplish...

Your Genes Might Make You Secretly Heroic And Selfless

On the other hand, tendencies for altruism aren’t just limited to acts of bravery, it can even be a simple display of kindness like how a friendly neighbor enjoys baking cookies for charity. Her generosity might not just be a warm heart, but a genetic inheritance from a variant of...