Tag: Seasons

Echoes of Seasons: An Artistic Odyssey Unveiled

As an artist, few moments rival the thrill of presenting your creations in a solo exhibition. The culmination of countless hours of dedication and creative energy comes to life, inviting art enthusiasts and curious minds to engage themselves in your world. I am delighted to share that my solo exh...

San Francisco’s delicious local pies this holiday season

Pies are serious business at Butter Love. Breakfast pie, cottage pie, pot pie, pudding pie; you name it, they’ve got it, along with classic holiday selections like pumpkin, apple, and bourbon pecan. “Every major romance, new life, career, and business has been celebrated over a...

Unraveling the December Chill: Exploring the Cold of the Holiday Season

December, a month adorned with twinkling lights, snug sweaters, and warm cups of cocoa. Amidst the festive joy that fills our hearts, the harsh winds and frosty mornings often prompt the question: why does December tend to be so cold? The answer, much like a carefully unwrapped gift, comprises va...

Physical Manifestations of Pain Spots..During Capricorn Season

I know that energy goes with the season, but I’m also dealing with my body preparing for an impending root canal, and the antibiotic I’ve been on knocks me out. Plus Tylenol, there’s that. I haven’t been taking the Tylenol any further than after the first two days the pain wa...