Tag: Search

The Future of Music Discovery: Search vs. Generation

Why this Question Matters Around ten years ago, music streaming services were competing heavily for the best music recommendation system. Clearly, a flawless recommendation system would provide the user with the exact piece of music that optimally satisfies their needs, every time. However, some ...

The Existential Threat for Search Engines

Asthe internet picked up steam into the early 21st century, consumers shifted from newspapers as a primary source of information to the internet. Search engines filled the searching gap and sometimes the knowledge gap. Unless they can adapt, search engines may be facing similar challenges as newspap...

In Search of Perfection

Merriam-Webster defines the word “perfect” as being entirely without fault or deficit, flawless, for example, “a perfect diamond.” When I think of a “perfect diamond”, I recall jewelry infomercials featuring symmetrically cut gems glistening beneath studio...

The Search For Significance

Show Me the Money! Have you ever been asked by your CEO to prove with scientific evidence, as opposed to feel good concepts and theories, that employee attitudes, work environment, culture or climate have a direct impact on corporate profits? Well, an interesting article relating employee percept...

The Search Continues

I’m not used to looking for work, I’ve always found it a fairly easy thing to do, but now I’m a bit older, I’ve a few more grey hairs and my fitness level is not as it was. No longer can I work a physically demanding job, and neither can I work full time. I’m stuc...

Window boy would also like to have a submarine | Take you on a cruise for a spiritual search | Spoilers

window boy would also like to have a submarine’, by the Uruguayan Alex Piperno, tells three simultaneous stories. The Uruguayan girl living a quiet life in a comfy apartment, the Window Boy, a cruise worker constantly escaping from work, and the Filipino peasants facing the randomness of natur...

Why You Shouldn’t Move To Waterdown: Sprawl and the Search for Community

The fact is I, like you, represent a destructive force that’s bringing the very thing I’m trying to escape from into this town, and, well, I got here before you. Walking down Parkside Drive on a cloudy November Sunday afternoon, through older neighbourhoods filled with unevenly-sp...

In Search Of America’s Missing Hellbenders

Hellbenders live only in the eastern part of the United States in shallow, fast-flowing, rocky streams that are cold and well-oxygenated. They are extreme habitat specialists, adapted to a specific niche within a very specific environment. Their exacting requirements makes them an important environm...

What’s with the desperate search for “our adjectives”?

I remember when I first found my friend Rose (@thecreativeclassicist on IG) and saw she was exploring “her adjectives” in her highlights. And I felt an instant connection. I’m always exploring my adjectives and others’. In my work, everything starts wit...

What’s with the desperate search for “our adjectives”?

I remember when I first found my friend Rose (@thecreativeclassicist on IG) and saw she was exploring “her adjectives” in her highlights. And I felt an instant connection. I’m always exploring my adjectives and others’. In my work, everything starts wit...

The search for crasis

My first book is close to completing five years of publication and reaches its tenth or thirtieth revision. I’ve lost count, but there were many. With each reading, the text undergoes a small transformation, even though most of the time it’s not more than a sentence or even a word. Th...