Tag: Scream

Don’t Scream in Don’t Scream

2023 has seen a surge of interests for video games with photorealistic graphics that utilizes a found footage or body cam style presentation. While the concept is nothing new, innovations in technology that helps game development allows these types of games to come alive in a more immersive and comp...

Antarctica’s Silent Scream: A Plea for Global Action in the Face of Unprecedented Environmental Change

Antarctica has lost 150 gigatons of ice mass annually since 2002, according to NASA’s GRACE satellites. This, along with global temperature shifts, prompts reflection on humanity’s role in climate change and its impact on Antarctica. Despite no permanent settlements, research t...


PLORATISSIMUS — CHEERING Very loud crying with emphasized mouth opening out of one’s own crying when the (adult) caregiver does not show the desired response: Sustained crying of displeasure without an overly important reason — intended as a protest to force the other person to giv...