Tag: Saturn

Saturn in Aries— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, Saturn in Aries refers to the placement of the planet Saturn in the zodiac sign Aries at the time of a person’s birth. This placement has a significant influence on an individual’s personality, life lessons, and approach to challenges. Here’s a general description of ...

Saturn in Pisces— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, Saturn in Pisces refers to the placement of the planet Saturn in the zodiac sign Pisces at the time of a person’s birth. This placement is one of many factors that astrologers consider when analyzing an individual’s natal (birth) chart to gain insights into their personalit...

Saturn in Scorpio— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, Saturn in Scorpio refers to the placement of the planet Saturn in the zodiac sign Scorpio at the time of a person’s birth. This placement is one of many factors that astrologers consider when analyzing an individual’s natal (birth) chart to gain insights into their personal...

Saturn in Taurus— How the Placement in each House Influences You

Saturn in Taurus in astrology represents the placement of the planet Saturn in the zodiac sign of Taurus. This combination influences the way an individual experiences discipline, responsibility, and life lessons related to stability and material possessions. Here’s a description of Saturn in ...

What does it mean to have Saturn or Shani in 11th house?

As we have known, Saturn is the Karaka for longevity, life, death, adversity, calamities, disrespect, diseases, poverty, livelihood, unrighteous conduct, learning of foreign language and science, servants, services, theft, extreme greed for wealth or material gain, temp...

Saturn in Leo— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, limitations, and structure, while Leo is associated with creativity, self-expression, leadership, and a desire for recognition. When Saturn is in Leo, these energies combine, creating a unique influence on the individual’s life and ch...

Saturn in Gemini— How the Placement in each House Influences You

Saturn in Gemini in astrology represents the placement of the planet Saturn in the zodiac sign of Gemini. This combination influences the way an individual experiences discipline, responsibility, and life lessons related to communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. Here’s a descripti...

Saturn is Amatyakarka significance? Which job/business industry does it relate to?

Follow(1 Free Reply) us on Facebook #jyotishgher || Instagram #jyotishgher But You have to share your birth charts. for personal consultation write PC4JG & Sent it  Here are some key points regarding the significance of Saturn as the Amatyakaraka: Serious and Disciplined Approach:&...

Saturn Series: Eleventh House or Aquarius — Realising Dreams Takes Time

The eleventh House has to do with our friend groups, communities, and the causes we care about and get involved in. Having Saturn might mean you are, or become, a champion for positive change in society, a leader of movements and revolutions. You may strive to build community, but encounter strug...

A New Challenge: Saturn Transiting the Natal North Node

Congratulations are in order for the Saturn in Capricorn class of 2020 who just completed their first Return! But for those born in the second half of that period who have their Saturn in the mid to later degrees of Cap, there’s a new challenge to prepare for: the later 1989 through the end of...

Saturn Transit 2023–2025: A Time of Transformation and Growth

Saturn, the taskmaster planet known for its influence on discipline, structure, and life lessons, is set to embark on a significant transit from 2023 to 2025. This celestial event holds great importance for astrology enthusiasts and individuals seeking personal growth and transformation. I...