Tag: Sanity

4 Ingenious Uses of AI to Beat the Blank Page (And Save Your Sanity)

Recently I gave a keynote presentation at a networking event on how AI is changing everything about business. The group included high-profile brand leaders whose businesses ranged from venture-backed startups to global companies. The minute the presentations were over and the lights went up, I wa...

The Lonely Road to Sanity

I’ve had a thought banging around in my head for a long time that goes like this: Radicals are right about everything except being radical. What I mean by that is that the people most strongly critiquing our social, political and economic systems are correct in their critiques. We are ...

The Framework for Digital Sanity

We have created something new, something really massive. Something that can be very helpful and bright, but at the same time, something that can bring mess, darkness, and pure evil, if out of control. We started it, but I’ve never seen anyone taking a responsibility for where this is a...