Tag: sacrifices

of satellites and sacrifices

I fascinate you, in all the ways I try to be myself… I’m an architect of feral fury, recording every construct with a zealot’s hand… we must think of goals as malleable, shaped by the person, not the other way around — I’ll choose the path that feels tru...

of satellites and sacrifices

I fascinate you, in all the ways I try to be myself… I’m an architect of feral fury, recording every construct with a zealot’s hand… we must think of goals as malleable, shaped by the person, not the other way around — I’ll choose the path that feels tru...

Silent Sacrifices: The Unspoken Continuing Struggles of Women in Modern Society

Emotional labour, a term that has gained momentum, refers to the often unnoticed effort of managing emotions, both one’s own and those of others. For women, this includes providing emotional support, smoothing over conflicts, and generally ensuring the emotional well-being of those around them...

Sacrifices for a better life and a better future

I recently decided to take a higher paying job that requires me to be over the road again. I’m excited but nervous all at once. My plan recently was to go on disability, but I already know what I’m dealing with and sitting in it will not help me overcome it. The anxiety disorder I’...