Tag: Rust

TypeScript With Go and Rust Errors? No Try/Catch? Heresy

So, let’s start with a little backstory about me. I am a software developer with around ten years of experience, initially working with PHP and then gradually transitioning to JavaScript. I started using TypeScript somewhere around five years ago, and since then, I have never gone back to J...

Boosting Machine Learning Performance With Rust

Experimenting with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) from scratch in Rust. In my previous article (Part 1) I started my experiment to develop a machine learning framework in Rust from scratch. The main aim of my experiment was to gauge model training speed improvements that can be attained by ...

End-to-End Testing Your Rust Service

If you’re building a web API in Rust, you need a way to test your endpoints end to end. Unit tests ensure your logic is correct, but a proper end-to-end test can verify that your infrastructure, routing, database migrations, and security settings are correct. Since most modern services manage ...

Rust Trait: A Powerful Alternative To TypeScript Interface

While Rust has a concept of interface, it differs from other programming languages in that it does not use the interface keyword to specify the behavior of classes and functions. Instead, Rust’s closest abstraction pattern is trait. Although these concepts have many differences,...

Hugging Face has written a new ML framework in Rust, now open-sourced!

Recently, Hugging Face open sourced a heavyweight ML framework, Candle, which is a departure from the usual Python approach to machine learning, written in Rust with a focus on performance (including GPU support) and ease of use. According to Hugging Face, Candle’s core goal is to make...

Reliable software engineering with Rust

We all want to build reliable software that makes users happy and keeps our heads free from late-night production crashes on Fridays. But every engineer already knows some stack that can handle the users’ needs while tests can check the correctness, so why would anyone bother learning Rust? ...

How fast is your MEV bot? Comparing Javascript/Python/Rust

Choosing a programming language for your projects can be a challenging task. In fact, individuals often have varying preferences when asked, citing reasons such as speed, readability, or simply familiarity with a particular language. This diversity in opinions is quite common. I’ve enc...

Containerise rust applications on Ubuntu & Alpine, with Github Actions

If you have an application acting as something like a backend REST service, you most likely want to put it into a Docker container for easy deployment. There are two approaches to building your application: Outside the Dockerfile (with CI/CD like Github Actions) and inside using a builder image. ...

How to run Rust in VS Code ?

The cargo init command creates a new Cargo project in the current directory. It does this by creating a Cargo.toml file, which is the manifest file for Cargo projects. The Cargo.toml file contains information about the project, such as its name, dependencies, and build ...

Navigating the Rust Ecosystem: A Guide to awesome-rust Repositories

Just go straight to the website to explore the various graphs. You can interact with most of them by sorting with different metrics or applying filters. Tooltips provide additional information. Kindly be aware that certain metrics focus on stars; while they can aid in understanding tren...