Tag: Rules

These 38 Reading Rules Changed My Life

It’s a weird thing to say, but I guess I’m a professional reader. That’s really what authors are. A book is made of books. “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading; a man will turn over half a library to make one book,” Samuel Johnson said. I&r...

Everyone Has Their Own Rules for Living But You Should Follow These Things

Everyone has their own living rules that he/she follows in his/her everyday life. As every man has different tastes, liking, and dislikes but it doesn’t mean that you are a loser or you aren’t perfect if you don’t live like successful people. Everyone successful today has his/her o...

4 Rules Every Great Story Lives By

Everyone loves being able to tell a great story. Whether you’re an acclaimed novelist, an amateur poet, or just the jokester of your friend group, you probably thrive off of being able to articulate a series of events in a captivating way. In high school, my best friend and I comp...

These 38 Reading Rules Changed My Life

It’s a weird thing to say, but I guess I’m a professional reader. That’s really what authors are. A book is made of books. “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading; a man will turn over half a library to make one book,” Samuel Johnson said. I&r...

These 38 Reading Rules Changed My Life

It’s a weird thing to say, but I guess I’m a professional reader. That’s really what authors are. A book is made of books. “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading; a man will turn over half a library to make one book,” Samuel Johnson said. I&r...

11 Basic Productivity Rules Most People Ignore In The Pursuit of Fancy Frameworks

There I was. Hunched over my desk in the dim glow of my laptop screen, frantically toggling between 17 tabs. Each screamed a different productivity framework. “The Ivy Lee Method will change your life!” one proclaimed. “Ditch that, try the Two-Minute Rule!” another reto...

These 38 Reading Rules Changed My Life

It’s a weird thing to say, but I guess I’m a professional reader. That’s really what authors are. A book is made of books. “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading; a man will turn over half a library to make one book,” Samuel Johnson said. I&r...

The Rules of Engagement: Navigating the Return-to-Office Unrest

It feels like I’m in a linguistic rinse-and-repeat cycle as I continue to discuss navigating the complexities of the professional landscape in the post-pandemic era. Each week brings new, potent challenges to the forefront of the human resources department. This week is no different as we find...

How to Lead the Happiest Teams with 5 Simple yet Powerful Rules

Two years ago I wrote an article named “How to Lead Happier Teams with 6 Simple Rules”. Retrospection and learning from past experiences are really important to me so I wanted to look back over these two years and revisit my article and see what I have learned since and if there is anyth...

Some Alternatives to Robert’s Rules of Order

Most people have heard of Robert’s Rules of Order (formally known as Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised), which is the most popular and comprehensive parliamentary authority adopted by organizations in Canada and the United States. Originally published in 1876...

Jeff Bezos’ Rules for Meetings + A.I.

What if one man’s meeting culture could revolutionize your business? Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, came up with some pretty unique rules for meetings. And the exciting part? ChatGPT, OpenAI’s flagship language model, is poised to supercharge these principles and radically transform how ...

Download Java rules from an already running SonarQube instance

To download Java rules from an already running SonarQube instance, you typically don’t need to download the rules separately. SonarQube stores and manages its rules within its database, and you access and configure them through the SonarQube web interface. Here are the steps to access and mana...

SigmaHQ Rules Release Highlights — r2023-10-23

Sigma Rule Packages for 23-10-2023 are released and available for download. This release saw the addition of 21 new rules, 17 rule updates and 24 rule fixes. New Rules Some highlights for the newer rules include, detections for CVE-2023–27363 (Remote Code Executi...

Retirement Planning for Non-Math Whizzes: Simple Rules to Secure Your Golden Years (No Slide Rules Required!)

Ah, retirement. Visions of sandy beaches, leisurely mornings, and finally ditching the alarm clock dance in your head. But then reality bites, the bills are still piling up, and your inner voice whispers, “Am I saving enough? Will my nest egg hatch into a comfy nest or a cardboard box?&rdqu...

What is a dogmatic rule in religion?

Religion is a complex and multifaceted topic that encompasses a wide range of beliefs, practices, and traditions. One key aspect of religious belief is the concept of dogma, which refers to a set of beliefs that are considered to be divinely revealed and therefore beyond question or doubt. Dogmas pl...

How Fear of Stigma Rules Your Life When You’re Invisibly Disabled, Queer and Poor

When you read the word “disability”, what comes to mind? If it’s an image of a wheelchair user then you’re probably not alone. The portrayal of disability as something which is both physically embodied and immediately visible is encoded in our cultural representa...

Ten Rules To Be More Inclusive of Those Who are Colourblind

This persona hits pretty close to home, as I am someone who also lives with colour perception deficiency. If you’ve read my latest interview, where I played both the role of the interviewer and the interviewee, I shared a little bit about that particular characteristic of mine, and how it...

Robert’s Rules Suck:

I was not naïve going into this. I fully expected that whatever good policy change our committee was able to craft might be diluted or rejected by the city council in the end, or that the Police Chief might find ways to circumvent them, or that even if enacted, the police union would still allo...

The controversial rules for the reproduction of cultural heritage in Italian law

These rules fall within the area of administrative law that is very different from the area of intellectual property law. Administrative law responds to very different logics: the sources of law are different; the logic is different and what is protected is the public good and not the interest of a ...

Why We Keep Breaking the Food Rules

Afew days ago, my young daughter had her customary scoop of speckled vanilla bean ice cream for dessert, cleared her plate, and asked me if she could also have some chocolate chips. I said, “We already had dessert, sweetie. We can have chocolate chips tomorrow.” She pulled an aw man...

Why You Need to Be Confident When Breaking the Writing Rules

This week, I have been feeling restless. Fortunately, this feeling usually passes. I can’t settle. I feel like rebelling against everything and, yes, breaking the rules. So why am I telling this? My go-to book Learn More

Improve Your Writing Skills with These 10 English Grammar Rules

If you want to improve your writing skills, it’s important to start by learning the basics of English grammar. There are many rules to learn, but don’t worry — we’ve compiled a list of 10 essential grammar rules that every writer should know. Once you have these down, you&rsq...

What Starts With Ż and Quietly Rules Poland?

Netflix recently released its new Polish comedy series — 8 episodes about the life of a Polish nobleman in 1670, Jan Paweł (John Paul). The series quickly became a hit among Poles, who loved it for its accurate self-satire and often wordplay jokes. So I couldn’t resist writing about it ...