Tag: Round

The Mugshot Seen ‘Round the World

Trump was arrested on several charges in Fulton County, Georgia, where he’ll presumably stand trial on eighteen felony counts, including Georgia’s racketeering act, conspiracy to impersonate a public officer, conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree, false statements and wri...

Danish Round-Up: Second-generation immigrants work more than their parents did 20 to 40 years ago

Increasing numbers of non-Western descendants have jobs — particularly compared to their parents when they were the same age in the 1980s and 1990s. Comparing the employment rate of non-Western descendants aged in their 30s with that of their parents, a study of Danmarks Statistik reveals t...

Our 2023 round-up

Another year is coming to an end and the team at Behaviour Change have been reflecting on all that’s happened over the past 12 months. 2023 has really been a year of change and growth. We kickstarted the year by moving into our brand new office after 6 years in Unit 19! This gave us more room ...

A Conversation About Guns, Mass Shootings and How to Stem The Tide (A Virtual Round-Table Discussion)

A very pleasant thing happened for me last week on social media. I’m sure that most of you, my patient readers, have been involved in a discussion that ended up turning into a “flame war” and degenerated into pointless argument. This is especially so when discussing controversial t...