Tag: Rivers

Abandoned Mines Have Been Polluting Colorado’s Rivers for 150 Years . . . And They Still Are

Climb toward the heights of Colorado’s Kokomo Pass, some 20 miles northeast of Leadville and 12,000 feet above the sea, and you’ll be treated to spectacular views. The Sawatch Mountains sail in the distance, snow-capped and picturesque. The Collegiate Peaks rise beyond the depths of the ...

Roosters, Redwoods, Rudbeckia, and Rivers

We met several roosters this year when we vacationed on the Carribean Island of St.Thomas, one of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI). There are many feral chickens and roosters on this island. They roamed the resort freely and we could hear them crow in the early morning, as well as througho...

You Otter Know: The Difference Between Sea and River Otters

As a biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Lacey, Washington, I answer all kinds of wildlife-related questions. Every spring and summer, I receive numerous phone calls and emails from throughout the Puget Sound area requesting that I come get a sea otter out from under a house, off a ...

Burnin Down Mama’s River

Know left a job down in the city suckin on the man every night and day. Never even lost one minute of sleepin worryin bout the way things might have been. Click Here