Tag: Risk

A Non-Cynical Reading of AI Risk Letters

I hadn’t planned to write about the CAIS statement on AI Risk released on May 30, but the press goes crazy every time one of these is published, so I won’t add much noise to the pile regardless. I still wouldn’t have posted this if I didn’t have ...

What Is Secondary Trauma? 7 Signs You May Be at Risk

Sitting in a room with three women twice my age, I realized: I couldn’t run this support group anymore. We were in the middle of a reflective listening exercise. The point was first to listen, then to repeat the story back to the person who shared it. This was a way of letting them know the...

Using MLflow to deploy Graph Neural Networks for Monitoring Supply Chain Risk

Modern Supply Chains as Complex Networks We live in an ever interconnected world, and nowhere is this more evident than in modern supply chains. Due to the global macroeconomic environment and globalisation, modern supply chains have become intricately linked and weaved together. Companies worldw...

AI Geospatial Wildfire Risk Prediction

Wildfires are unplanned fire events that occur both naturally and as a result of human activity. In the United States, they are responsible for several billion dollars in costs each year [1], and in 2020, they burned over 10 million acres in the United States alone [2]. Much of the costs come from p...

Risk Management Best Practices

Risk and reward are the two main pillars of financial markets. We love reward but dislike risk. Therefore, the primary function when trading and investing is to maximize reward (Returns) and minimize risk (Volatility and other forms of risk). However, we need to understand tha...

Climate Risk and Real Estate: The Ticking Time Bond

Real estate climate risk is getting some attention, notably in California and Florida, where insurance premiums are soaring and several major insurers are shuttering or no longer taking on new home insurance policies. But these are reactive measures, only dealing with threats aft...

Brave Texas Christians Risk Everything to Support Trans Kids

I read a story yesterday that made my heart sing, that thrilled me and filled me with positivity. A Christian church in the Dallas area has launched a resistance network to care for transgender teenagers the Texas government is persecuting. Those resistance leaders, who are ri...

LGBTQ+ Americans feel they are just getting by in retirement and face greater financial risks

While preparing for retirement can be difficult for anyone, LGBTQ+ Americans face unique challenges that can cast a shadow over their golden years. For example, LGBTQ+ people over age 60 leave the workforce sooner, are less likely to believe that their retirement savings are on track and struggle mo...

Criminal Risk Assessment Algorithms — and What They Mean for the Justice System

It was under these circumstances that new solutions were created. Prisoners could be granted parole, freeing up prison space and encouraging rehabilitation. However, this practice had inherent risks; certain inmates may reoffend upon being released. To address this concern, prisons would have to det...

Your risk of death by killer bees has gone way, way up.

The term ‘killer bees’ is typically associated with a Harrison Ford adventure movie, not necessarily your family trip to Phoenix, AZ. But for a man in Marana County, Arizona in August of this year, a disturbance of an enormous beehive resulted in death. With encounters like the...

Global “Corporate Risk” and How It Affects Us All

Using various tools reliant on data, individuals and businesses strive daily to make decisions which mitigate risk as best as they can. One of such common place tools is Insurance. The concept of insurance is based on shared risk protection and this “protective cushion”, spread a...

Decoding the Genetics of Disease Risk: Polygenic Risk Scores

Cancer is the second highest cause of death every year. Causing over 10 million people to die each year, that means every 1 in 6 people die from this intricate disease. In this never-ending war against cancer, timing is everything. Early detection is one of the most critical f...

The Most Damaging And Unsuspected Risk

The most dreaded risk for all construction engineers that can result from this phenomenon is known as differential settlement. It occurs when the soil beneath a construction settles unequally, meaning that certain parts of the building sink more than others, leaving the structure w...

Do Statins Increase Diabetes Risk?

There is a saying in medicine that no drug is benign. Every medication has a side effect. Even common drugs like Tylenol can cause liver toxicity in high doses. Too much Motrin can cause a stomach ulcer or even kidney failure. However, sometimes drugs are necessary to reduce the risk of developin...

25 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Every day, I meet with patients who have cancer. Several years ago, I was feeling a little down about it. Don’t get me wrong: I still get joy from helping people. But a little voice kept reminding me of the missing part of the cancer management equation: Risk reduction. There is no doubt th...

False Positive Risk in A/B Testing

Have you heard how there is a much greater probability than generally expected that a statistically significant test outcome is in fact a false positive? In industry jargon: that a variant has been identified as a “winner” when it is not. In demonstrating the above the terms&nb...

The Hidden Risk: Heavy Metal Poisoning among Cannabis Users in California

Ahoy there, fellow Californians; prepare for a deep dive into unchartered waters as we explore a seldom-discussed subject concerning cannabis consumption — contamination from heavy metals. Every weed specialist should know the hazards lurking in our cherished herb. This blog will uncover ...