Tag: ridge

A ridge too far

Information on access to Tauanui Hut online is few and far between. DOC make some vague mention on their website about access being across private land, but provide nothing further. With no response to our email inquiring further Rebecca and I decided to go check it out anyway. We bounced merrily do...

from tampines to kent ridge

Confused, blindsided, and directionless was how I felt when I read the text message which said I was posted to my third choice, an option I merely inserted without much thought. In the small window between results posting and the first day of JC orientation, I thought it would be worthwhile to shoot...

Ridge Trailblazers: Streamline AI is Every In-House Legal Team’s Dream

The opening statement on Streamline AI, the first intelligent intake platform for in-house legal teams, essentially boils down to this: it’s built by industry vets, significantly expedites legal processes, and delights its customers ad infinitum. Streamline, whose seed round we ba...

Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression: A Beginner’s Guide

Ridge Regression Ridge regression is a type of regularized regression model. This means it is a variation of the standard linear regression model that includes a regularized term in the cost function. The purpose of this is to prevent Overfitting. Ridge Regression adds an L2 regularization term t...