Tag: Retireds

Jenny Retired at 55 With $1 Million. She Shares What It Is Like to Stop Working

Jenny’s retirement story is filled with ups and downs. Psychologically. “I remember how it felt when I was given the letter of appreciation on my final day at work. I was overjoyed. I thought I made it! I have enough money in the bank. I am going to enjoy my life. Like finally...

Jenny Retired at 55 With $1 Million. She Shares What It Is Like to Stop Working

I never thought about this. I never imagined that leaving the workplace for good is a bad thing. I thought [I still do] that would be the happiest feeling ever. That I am [finally] done. That I have graduated from the workplace. That I have finally earned my retireme...

Tammy Retired Early and Happy at 55. Her Struggles Began [Almost] the Very Next Day.

Real-life stories like this… shake me. We are enthralled by the idea of retirement. Having to kick back and relax? Brilliant. Not worrying about money? Loving it. Doing what we want as and when we please? God send. But that is our idea of retirement. Or early retire...