Tag: Redis

Unveiling the Art of Redis Key Naming Best Practices

Abstract Redis is a flexible and efficient in-memory data storage that is highly valuable for a range of purposes, such as caching, session management and others. One important factor to consider when using Redis is the choose the suitable names for keys. It is essential to choose a clear and con...

In-depth analysis of Redis memory fragmentation

Let’s look at a question first. Assuming that the Redis instance has saved 5GB of data, and now 2GB of data is deleted, will the memory occupied by the Redis process be reduced? The answer is: it may still take up about 5GB of memory, even though the Redis data only takes up about 3GB. I...

Understanding Redis High-Availability Architectures

High-Availability is crucial in Redis to ensure the continuous availability of data and prevent downtime. Although Redis is known for its high performance, there are instances where a single server might not be sufficient to meet the data requirements of an organization. Running Redis across multipl...

Building Scalable Applications Using Redis as a Message Broker

Redis is an open-source, in-memory datastore. You can use Redis as a messaging system by employing one of its three features: Streams, Pub/Sub, and Lists. Additionally, Redis offers Transaction and Pipeline capabilities to help build performant applications at scale. Lua scripting, server-side ...

FastAPI and Redis Cache

We’re back with the FastAPI series, after a month of crazy sprints and fires. We’re resuming the FastAPI article series, this time with our beloved and hated friend, Cache! What we’re going to do is a simple FastAPI project with Postgres a...

Rate Limiting in REST APIs (Using SpringBoot and Redis)

Rate limiting is a technique used to control the amount of incoming requests to a server or a system within a specified time frame. It helps to prevent overloading and ensure stability, reliability and fairness for all users. This technique is particularly important for REST APIs, which are designed...

Install Redis on Windows10 without admin rights

To install Redis on Windows10, you need to enable WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux). WSL2 lets you run Linux binaries natively on Windows. If you are running old WSL, you need to enable WSL2 by following this instruction. Unfortunately, enabling WSL2 requires admin right...