Tag: Record

Record-Breaking Spherical Tokamak Promises A Fusion Revolution

A recent study found that the ST40, a spherical tokamak fusion reactor, reached the astronomical temperatures of 100 million degrees Kelvin. That is 6.7 times hotter than the core of the Sun! This insane temperature is enough to create fusion ignition, which can potentially create commerci...

Akashic Records Reading — Free

The concept of the Akashic Records is found in various spiritual and esoteric traditions: Theosophy: Theosophy is a spiritual and philosophical movement that emerged in the late 19th century. The founder, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, introduced the idea of the Akashic Record as a cosmic r...

Let’s Talk Honestly About DeSantis’ Horrific Record

Living under Ron DeSantis has been a living nightmare. Take it from me, a Floridian. If you don’t understand why I say that, keep reading. I’ve been keeping a record. But I’ve also always been fair, as you’ll soon see. As a Floridian, DeSantis scares the hell out of ...