Tag: Reconsider

US Senators Ask Fidelity to “Seriously Reconsider” its Bitcoin Exposure

U.S. senators have echoed previous concerns on Fidelity Investments’ decision to offer retirement plan participants access to Bitcoin. Source: Unsplash In a letter on Monday, three senators, Elizabeth Warren, Dick Durbin and Tina Smith, urged the investment holding com...

Why You Should Reconsider Going to Law School

Law school is often seen as a gateway to a successful career in the legal field. However, before making the decision to pursue a law degree, it’s crucial to carefully weigh the costs and benefits involved. From the average debtload of graduates to potential earnings and career goals, there are...

It’s Time to Reconsider Deadly Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy

Call it what you will, but the psychiatric factitious disorder, one step removed, that causes physical and emotional harm to kids and adults is still primarily known as Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy (MSP). Some wish to change the nomenclature to Fabricated or Induced Illne...