Tag: Rates

Fixed Frame Rates in Unity

Many people will tell you to make your game frame rate independent. While there’s certainly a lot of merit to this, a fixed frame rate is desirable for some games, most notably deterministic pixel art games. Why a fixed frame rate? If you want your game to be deterministic, a fixed f...

Is Defunding the Police the Answer? Chicago Officials Shift Focus to Reform Amids ising Crime Rates

Amidst the turbulent times, “ defund the police” has become a topic of contention in various cities, including Chicago. The term has garnered negative connotations and political backlash. Thus, local politicians shy away from it. Even celebrities like Morgan Freeman have expres...

Why Mortgage Rates will fall in 2024

The Federal Reserve (Fed) meets regularly and announces, with great fanfare, its “Federal Funds Rate(FFR).” But what is this interest rate and what does it influence? The FFR is the rate at which commercial banks borrow and lend their excess reserves to each other overnight. It is thi...

Will Mortgage Rates Ever Fall to 3% Again? A 10-Year Outlook.

The era of mortgage rates at or below 3% was a unique period in financial history, largely influenced by specific economic circumstances. These historically low rates were a product of the economic measures taken to address the challenges posed by the global financial crisis and subsequent economic ...

PART 4 — Inclusion of Government Mandated Taxes in the computation of Trucking Rates

From our previous learning materials, we have learned the importance and roles of variable and fixed costs, as well as markup or profit, and learned how all of them are computed or combined in order to come up with our initial pricing. This is what we call “Vat-Exclusive” or can also be ...

Does immigration increase crime rates in Europe?

The correlation between immigration and crime rates has been a contentious issue among political factions. Political parties in Europe have utilized this topic to create a sense of threat among citizens and gain their trust, resulting in occasional success (Nunziata, 2011). Public opinion can be inf...

Ugh, Fine. Let’s Talk About Black Crime Rates Again

Lombroso’s work dominated thinking about criminality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Criminals who displayed “atavistic traits” received harsher sentences. In some cases, those traits were weighed even more heavily than witness testimony or physical evidence. ...

Ugh, Fine. Let’s Talk About Black Crime Rates Again

In 1893, a physician named Cesare Lombroso published La Donna Delinquente (The Criminal Woman) in which he claimed to have discovered a new human subspecies: the “born criminal.” Lombroso rejected the idea that crime was a product of social inequality or human nature. Instea...