Tag: Rap

Devblog 10: Rap Tribe

Nearly Friendly Tribes is getting ready to roll and we’re committed to bringing you a diverse and exciting lineup of characters. Today, we’re pumped to introduce you the Rap character. Rap Character: Embracing the ’90s Hip-Hop Vibe Immerse yourself in the vibrant ‘9...

Tormented Rapper Virgil’s Devil And His Evil Approach To Rap

One of the most alluring aspects to this artist is the amount of trauma they’ve endured, from physical abuse and witnessing various deaths to being arrested and even investigated by the Australian Federal Police for possession of firearms. I came into contact with Devil after seeing him perfor...

The First And The Last (The O.G.’s)

This is a rap-song that evolved in my mind, that is an ominous counterpart to Like Sunset in Miami. I don’t know why songs seem to develop in my head like this but when it is ripe, it feels best to release somewhere, and Medium is proving to be that good medium at the moment. Like Sunset ...

11 Underground/Independent Toronto Rap Songs You Should Know

When you think of Toronto music these days, your instinct is probably to think of Drake and the Weeknd. Their brand of moody, atmospheric hip hop and R&B have permeated the mainstream so much in the 2010s that it became known as the “Toronto sound”. In the mid-2010s though, Toronto r...