Tag: racisms

Will we ever get anti-racism right?

I was recently involved in a meeting to discuss how education and training should rise to the challenges of promoting anti-racist practice. It was encouraging and reassuring to see so many people there, people in positions of influence. However, what was quite disheartening was to find that we were ...

A Conversation about Systemic Racism

 I know we’ve talked about this a few times, but I thought we should actually have the conversation all the way through. This year has seen a significant increase in protests against racism in various forms. So here’s my question for you: do you believe that systemic racism exists i...

How to help combat racism as a white person who is learning

The first time I learned about neo-colonialism from a global perspective was in a masters class about post colonial literature at Royal Holloway, University of London in 2011. I was 22 and I was blown away reading Jamaica Kincaid, Salman Rushdie, V.S. Naipaul, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Zadie Smith, Chimam...

A New Brand Of “Woke Racism” Is Upon Us

I’m tempted to begin and end this essay about what “multiracial whiteness” is, with the word “stupid”. But given that my New Year’s resolution for 2021 is to be more charitable, let’s look a little deeper. I first heard the term a few days ago, when a fri...

White People Will Never Get Sick and Tired of Racism Because They Benefit

Imagine strolling into a densely wooded area and discovering a tree stump. As curiosity creeps in, you decide to add up the dark rings inside to determine how old the tree is. You can trace each year of the tree’s life; it came from a long chain of seeds, saplings, and mighty oaks. Like trees,...