Tag: Quickly

Make Money Quickly: Tarot Pick a Card

Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading about how you can make money quickly. This works for any job or even a hobby that you want to monetize. All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which flower inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s...

Do you want to manifest quickly? Well, you need to burn your manifestation.

Now that I’ve got your attention, let me tell you about this ritual. This ritual is not for those looking for a cookie-cutter, hokey-pokey woo-woo approach that tells you to yell out manifesting affirmations. This is strictly for those who are seeking a win. So if you are ready to truly man...

A New Steroid That Quickly Helps With Depression

Women are twice as likely as men to become depressed. Depression is most likely to strike women at the end of pregnancy, what we call postpartum depression. (PPD). PPD is more common than any other medical complication after delivering a baby, occurring in as many as 17% of ...