Tag: Purchase

Why I Would Choose to Purchase an iPhone 15 Pro Max

1. I have a deep fascination with aerospace-grade titanium alloy. I admire its unique luster and texture. Reflecting on the titanium alloy ring I gifted to my first girlfriend when I was a high school junior, it feels like a journey down memory lane, hehe. 2. Upgrading the camera and optical lens...

031/731–18 Sep 2023 ) The best purchase ever in the UK

A few days ago, I assembled a desk and purchased a chair. While I was able to do tasks on the desk, it was not enough because of the lack of a PC monitor. Being in Japan, I connected my laptop with a PC monitor and broadened the display. It was especially helpful when I learned something by watch...

Greece moves to postpone major arms purchase

Greece has moved to postpone a major arms purchase from Israel, local media reported on Saturday. Defense Ministry officials fear that the purchase of Spike NLOS missiles, a particularly desired system for the navy’s fast attack boats and the ground forces’ AH-64 attack helicopters, r...

Millionaire Philanthropist Brings Magic to the Art World with Picasso Purchase

In addition to its cultural significance, the purchase is also a major coup for the NFT market. Picasso is one of the most famous and respected artists in history, and his work is highly sought-after by collectors. The sale of a Picasso NFT is a sign that the NFT market is maturing and becoming more...