Tag: proportions

Drawing with correct proportions and without going out of the paper?

Sketching and drawing correct proportions and doing so without reaching the end of paper can be achieved easily with one simple technique. HOW MANY TIMES HAS YOUR DRAWING GONE OUT OF THE PAPER? It can happen to all of us unless we mark out the extreme ends of the drawing, to begin with. HOW M...

Failure on Heroic Proportions

The Romans worshipped personal glory. Few things were more important to them than honor and accomplishment. Romans were taught from an early age to dream of parading through the streets in triumph. Examples of the Romans’ thirst for glory come up in many books written by Romans- Caesar fills h...

Ideal Body Proportions: An How To Guide

The human body, in all its complexity, has been the subject of countless studies, theories, and measurements. One such area of study is the concept of ideal body proportions. These proportions are often used in the fields of health and fitness, fashion, and even art, to determine what is considered ...