Tag: Proficiency

Picasso’s Paradox: When Proficiency Becomes A Burden

There is a famous tale of Picasso in the marketplace. Picasso was walking through the market one day when a woman approached him. She pulled out a piece of paper and said, “Mr. Picasso, I am a fan of your work. Please, could you do a little drawing for me?” Picasso smiled...

Questions about Anthropological Ethics in English Language Proficiency testing

These are examples (modified to preserve anonymity) of some parents’ discomfort and confusion when they learn that their student — in both cases, advanced speakers of English doing well without support from a language specialist — is required by the Department of Education (DOE) to...


Originally, when I had set out on this journey in January 2023, I thought I’d keep learning French, building my vocabulary, getting used to the fast pace of natural French speech, learning how to write, read, the whole shebang. My end goal at that time was to attain C1 proficiency by September...