Tag: profession

Has the sun set on the profession of illustrator?

More and more publications are starting to use illustrations generated by algorithms such as DALL·E, Midjourney and others to accompany their articles, suggesting a trend from simply demonstrating that it is possible to set an algorithm to generate an image for an article to a ...

Nursing Is the Most Dangerous Profession

I’ll bet you thought that construction or coal mining was the most dangerous profession, but it turns out that the vast majority of non-fatal injuries happen to healthcare workers. Not only do nurses have back and other orthopedic injuries much more often than construction workers — nurs...

3 Reasons Why Law Is A Lucrative Profession in India

When you become a lawyer, you can actively be a part of the society and help those in need. In India, there’s a backlog of thousands of pending cases due to the shortage of legal personnel. There are many underprivileged people unable to pursue their cases due to financial constraints, leading...

Art Experts: Recognised skills yet a risky profession

Paris, June 8th, saw the opening of the inaugural national conferences of expertise, organised at the Petit Palais by the National Organisation of Art Experts, which took as its theme “Can the art market do without art experts?” This question, somewhat mischievous, moves us to conside...