Tag: prioritize

Are mothers task delayers if they choose to prioritize motherhood?

What does motherhood really mean? I read an article in The Washington Post about how 10 mothers define motherhood. I had to laugh out loud while being continuously interrupted by my own kids, which is a proven fact across all definitions. I only chose a few of the definitions and wrote ...

10 Techniques to Help You Prioritize Your To-Do List

The landscape of entrepreneurship and investment is riddled with choices and challenges. Each decision carries weight, each task begs urgency. Time becomes both an ally and adversary, and prioritization turns into an art. The journey from a beginner to a seasoned professional demands mastery over th...

Prioritize brutally, discretely but not strictly!

I am fond of meaningful contradictions, and I’ll use this one to kick off my second stream of blogs posts, this one about leadership and management (the other being sustainability). Prioritizing brutally is obvious but sometimes we confuse that with prioritizing strictly. When asked to prio...

Motivating Your Team to Prioritize Additional Tasks Amidst Busy Schedules

Leading a team through a busy and demanding workload can be challenging, especially when you need them to tackle additional tasks or projects. While it may seem like a daunting prospect, motivating your team to focus on additional items is entirely feasible with the right approach. In this article, ...