Tag: Practices

Java Best Practices for Writing Clean and Professional Code

Secrets of Clean Code: A Journey through Java Best Practices for Ongoing Coding Mastery   Writing professional and clean Java code is essential for any Java developer who wants to unleash the full potential of their software. I’ll be discussing seemingly small details, yet they h...

REST Endpoint Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications, and adhering to its principles is crucial for creating scalable, maintainable, and efficient web services. In this blog post, we’ll delve into best practices for desi...

Hilt Testing Best Practices in the MAD Skills series

his is the next MAD Skills article on Hilt! This time we’ll be focusing on how to write tests with Hilt and some of the best practices to be aware of. If you prefer to consume this content in a video format, check it out here: Hilt Testing Philosophy Since Hilt is a more opin...

10 SQL Best Practices

Writing clear, logical, easy-to-read, and high-performance ETL pipelines in SQL is an important part of a data scientist’s day-to-day job. Recently, after reviewing multiple SQL style guides (see references), I reflected on my practices and identified the following 10 SQL best practices, more ...

Microservices Best Practices

The Microservices Architecture is an evolved pattern that has fundamentally changed the way server-side code is developed and managed. This architectural pattern involves the design and development of the application as a collection of loosely-coupled services that interact over well-defin...

4 Japanese Secret Practices That Everyone Should Adopt

Ever heard the saying, “It’s a new day to learn a new thing”? Oh, there is no saying like that? Never mind, I just made it up. But you understood the context, right? Today, many, many years later (me being dramatic), I woke up at 5:00 clock in the morning. I did my libe...

Mastering leadership: 20 years of innovative thinking and practices in computational design

Depending on the situation, I wear various hats. My initial responsibility involved demonstrating how to integrate advanced computational design techniques into New Balance’s design and manufacturing workflows. Despite starting from scratch as a footwear designer, I persisted through numerous ...

Opposing Practices: Leadership versus Likership

Have you ever avoided having a tough conversation with friends because you were worried that they might not like you anymore? Following this principle that some things are better left unsaid has undoubtedly kept many friendships intact. We all want to be liked. Sadly, the desire to be liked accom...

10 Key Best Practices for Git Branch Management

Introduction: Best Practices for Your Git Branches When working with Git, adhering to best practices for branch management is crucial to ensure a smooth development process. Following proper conventions can help maintain an organized codebase, reduce merge conflicts, and streamline collaboration ...

How to Write Meeting Minutes: Examples + Best Practices

There’s so much information available about how to write effective meeting minutes that it’s sort of getting confusing. Because of this influx of information that’s not always straight-forward, writing meeting notes can seem like a bit of a burden. It’s a shame, because the o...

Best Practices For Terraform

Terraform is a tool that lets you create and manage your computer infrastructure, such as servers, databases, and networks, by writing code instead of manually setting things up. It helps you define what you want your infrastructure to look like, and then it takes care of setting everything up and k...

Real-Time Data Processing with Delta Live Tables: Use Cases and Best Practices for Databricks

After explaining Delta Live Tables (DLTs) in Databricks and how to incorporate them into data pipelines in my previous post, I wanted to take a deeper dive into some specific use cases of Delta Live Tables. What are Delta Live Tables again? Delta Live Tables, often abbreviated as DLTs...

Real-Time Data Processing with Delta Live Tables: Use Cases and Best Practices for Databricks

After explaining Delta Live Tables (DLTs) in Databricks and how to incorporate them into data pipelines in my previous post, I wanted to take a deeper dive into some specific use cases of Delta Live Tables. What are Delta Live Tables again? Delta Live Tables, often abbreviated as DLTs...

Best Practices For Terraform

Terraform is a tool that lets you create and manage your computer infrastructure, such as servers, databases, and networks, by writing code instead of manually setting things up. It helps you define what you want your infrastructure to look like, and then it takes care of setting everything up and k...

Docker — Best Practices and Pro Tips for Writing Dockerfiles

Production Pro Tips: Overview of best practices for writing Dockerfile. DevOps Mojo — Dockerfiles Best Practices and Tips Below is the list of recommended best practices and methods for building efficient images. Build the smallest image possible Building a smaller image offers...

My IaC AWS Multi-Account Provisioning BluePrint & Best Practices…

Onthis Article I will show you how to structure the IaC (Terraform) projects so they require no Value files (which usually tend to be scattered all over the place). I will also demonstrate how to use One single configuration file to rule all environments and How do I separate Platform and Applicatio...

Mastering Linux for DevOps Engineers: Essential Commands and Practices for Success

Introduction In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive tech industry, DevOps has become a crucial methodology for organizations looking to streamline their software development and deployment processes. At the heart of this methodology lies Linux, the open-source operating system that em...

8 Of The Strangest Ancient Roman Practices

Ancient Rome did not have access to medical gauze and bandaids, so they had to be creative to make use of whatever was available to them. One of the things they had available in excess was animal dung, which they had begun to use to patch up the wounds. There was a whole procedure to this; even t...

10 Disturbing Practices That Were Considered Normal in Ancient Rome

The Ancient Romans were well-known across the globe for their strength as an empire and their unmatched military prowess, which allowed them to conquer more than half of Europe, and parts of Asia and Africa. The vast Empire was unified with spectacular discoveries and advancements in science, medici...

Lāʻau lapaʻau: Reclaiming Traditional Practices of Medicine

Native plants play an important role in Hawaiian culture. For example, they are used to make lei, hula implements, and poi-pounding boards; used in ceremony; used for weaving and making cloth; and used for physical and spiritual healing, which is called lāʻau lapaʻau. Lāʻau lapaʻau is the trad...

Breathing in the Wilderness: A Guide to Outdoor Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for improving mental and emotional well-being. It involves paying attention to the present moment and observing thoughts, sensations, and surroundings without judgment. Spending time in nature can be an incredibly beneficial way to practice mindfulness. Not only d...

From Numbers to Action: Translating Carbon Data into Sustainable Practices

The first line of defence lies in enhanced data capture. Gone are the days of relying on broad-brush estimates. High-resolution satellite imagery, now coupled with the analytical horsepower of artificial intelligence, can pinpoint deforestation trends and track emission sources with unprecedented gr...

Exploring 5ire’s Commitment to Sustainable Practices

The introduction of 5ire to the blockchain space is endorsing a real-world problem of combatting global sustainability issues, aligning to the UN’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development. At the core of 5ireChain (5ire’s native blockchain), we have implemented a SPoS (Sus...

How I Better My Relationship With God With Five Faith Practices

I know why you clicked on this blog post. Your relationship with God isn’t where you want it to be. You want to be as close to God as the saints were. You want your connection with him to be as strong as the genuine Christian leaders you see on social media and YouTube. But you fee...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: inclusive hiring practices (key no5)

Today, I’d like to dive into key no5, a topic that’s not just close to my heart, but one that should be a cornerstone in every organization: inclusive hiring practices. Adopting inclusive hiring practices isn’t just about ticking boxes or looking good for your shareholders or the p...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: inclusive hiring practices (key no5)

Today, I’d like to dive into key no5, a topic that’s not just close to my heart, but one that should be a cornerstone in every organization: inclusive hiring practices. Adopting inclusive hiring practices isn’t just about ticking boxes or looking good for your shareholders or the p...

Whose name am I?! Musings on patriarchal naming practices.

I need to change my Virginia license to New York. Why is this interesting or relevant? I hear you say. Well, I have long wanted to claim a certain middle name, and the renewal of official documents and identifications presents such an opportunity. OK, so what?! I still hear you say...

A Deep Dive into the Center for Liberatory Practices’ Transformative Approach

One of the core components of our program is developing the ability to navigate complex, often uncomfortable conversations about race and discrimination. These discussions are crucial in unraveling the nuanced layers of racism and understanding its deep-rooted impact on individuals and communities. ...

Role of Nexogic in Modernizing Healthcare Practices & Hospitals

Nexogic stands as a catalyst in this transformation, redefining healthcare practices, hospital operations, medical associations, patient referrals, and professional networks. Discover how Nexogic plays a pivotal role in modernizing healthcare practices and hospitals. 1. Modernizing Medical Profes...

Hygiene Practices by Medical Personnel especially Surgeons Pre and Post Surgery

Welcome to the wacky world of surgery prep, where cleanliness is next to scalpel-iness! In the bustling corridors of hospitals, amidst the beeping machines and frantic nurses, there’s a scene straight out of a comedy sketch: the hygiene rituals of medical personnel, especially our beloved doct...

Reading Practices in Europe — part I. Ancient Greece

These days I am greatly interested in the issues of reading and history of the changes which occurred in the reading practices. How people switched from reading aloud to silent reading? Why reading became popular? When people began to read for pleasure? This post is my first attempt to find answers ...