Tag: Pound

Every Bolt Counts: The Ripple Effect of Conserving Every Pound of Steel

As the steel sector searches for sustainable solutions in the carbon heavy construction industry, it is crucial not to overlook the power of conservation and efficiency. Decisions made early in the design process, using quality data, have a major impact on a building’s carbon footprint. In fac...

Is That a Dog? No, It’s a 90 Pound Cat

In 5 years with a guide dog, this one tops the list of annoying things that have happened to Cooper and me. It was unusually hot out so the dog and I stood inside the air-conditioned building to order an Uber. When I saw on the app that the car was two blocks away, we stepped out, into the hea...

Is That a Dog? No, It’s a 90 Pound Cat

In 5 years with a guide dog, this one tops the list of annoying things that have happened to Cooper and me. It was unusually hot out so the dog and I stood inside the air-conditioned building to order an Uber. When I saw on the app that the car was two blocks away, we stepped out, into the hea...

How I Spent One Pound And Saw Through Time

Drop a coin in the box and keep going. That’s how it works in these places. Ancient ruins belong to no one and everyone. Besides, the farmers whose land the ruins occupy are on shaky legal ground charging for access. But they do have to maintain the fences and cut the grass. No one minds pa...