Tag: Potato

Impersonating Privileges with Juicy Potato

Windows Privilege Escalation with SeImpersonatePrivilege, and SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege Photo by Hans Isaacson on Unsplash Today, I am going to talk about a Windows privilege escalation tool called Juicy Potato. In the past, I used it on Hack The box older machines:...

Please Don’t Call it the Irish Potato Famine

Where are my people of Irish ancestry in the USA? If you believe the statistics, we are everywhere. Over 31 million people in the United States claim Irish heritage, which is second only to German heritage. I claim both, as do many others in Wisconsin, where we might celebrate St. Patrick&rsquo...

Rice Queens & Potato Kings: Stereotypes and LGBTQ+ Asians

Take a moment and reflect on the words “Rice Queens” and “Potato Kings.” Rice Queens refer to non-Asian men who are exclusively interested in Asian men, often in a fetishizing manner. Meanwhile, Potato Kings represent Asian men primarily interested in whit...

Marijuana Use Is a Medical and Social Hot Potato Issue, But Change Is Coming

Marijuana is slowly gaining acceptance in medical and social circles, and the view now is that it should be on a different drug schedule than heroin. Photo by Margo Amala on Unsplash Call it what you will—everything from Mary Jane to weed and back again—but marij...

Potato paradox

The potato paradox is a very simple paradox, but many people find it quite surprising, and confusing, or might even refuse to believe it. Suppose you buy 100 kg of potatoes. Potatoes contain water, of course, and these particular potatoes contain 99% water. Overnight, some of the wat...