Tag: Ponzi

On Technical Debt, Margin Calls, and Ponzi Schemes

Ward Cunningham coined the term “technical debt” to describe a particular category of project issues. Those issues required refactoring to make it easier to work with the codebase but did not affect the final product delivered to the customer. That was thirty years ago. It was...

On Technical Debt, Margin Calls, and Ponzi Schemes

“When I began the Ponzi scheme I believed it would end shortly and I would be able to extricate myself and my clients from the scheme.” — Bernard Madoff. Software developers can be great with numbers but are usually terrible with finances. Ward Cunningham coined the term &ldq...

Ponzi Scheme Targeting Spanish-Speaking U.S. Investors: How to Recover Your Funds From Aras Investment Business Group

Aras Investment Business Group S.A.P.I. de C.V., based in Mexico, its CEO, Armando Gutierrez Rosas, and four other people have been charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with defrauding more than 450 retail investors in the United States, the majority of whom were Mexican Americans, of a...