Tag: Politician

What It’s Like to Be a Trans Politician in 2023

This may be the year we fully establish the limits of trans representation. The past few election cycles have seen an unprecedented number of openly trans lawmakers elected to office — Danica Roem; Sarah McBride; etc. — and it has also seen an unprecedented number of bills aimed at rolli...

Why We Keep Getting Awful Politicians

Forget bankers, lawyers, and traffic wardens — if there is one profession the public loves to hate, it’s politicians. Recent research shows that some 65% of Americans believe that politicians only run to serve their own interests, and just 20% trust the government in Washing...

The Aesthetics of Power and Fashion; A closer look at a female politician wardrobe.

I am one person who is pretty much inspired by my fashion choices than anything else in the world. If only I could be paid to just wake up and dress, I would be the richest person in the world. The dress code often has a clear communicative purpose. It has always been like that, and fashion knows it...