Tag: policy

Game design as a policy-making method

“Hello, my name is Matteo and I am a very serious game designer.” Chuckles in the audience. “Seriously. Don’t laugh please.” Open laughs. Hwa Young Jung and I were standing in front of a large group of UK policymakers from across government departments,...

“3+4 quarantine policy” attracts more business travelers to visit Taiwan

The outbreak of COVID-19 was a catastrophic and memorable event in 21st century history: numerous innocent lives had left us, tons of economic damages which still can’t be recovered, and other harms to human beings and our society. These negativities had changed our lifestyle, perspectives, an...

An epic tale about the epic train ride that we didn’t do and Delta airline’s epically stupid policy

This article is going to put your head into a vicious spin, so pay close attention to all the details otherwise you wouldn’t be able to comprehend the twisted logics. Well first of all, this is my first ever Medium writing, and I am not too much into writing. The reason I thought of writing...

Absolute Inclusivity — begins within you not a company policy

I have read a lot about how important it is to include others in the workplace, some of whom we have an unfortunate habit of calling people with disabilities. We’ve learned this unfortunate phase in humanity through social and cultural conditioning. Whilst casting these shadows on others, i...

What the Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action Means for Climate Equity Policy

Climate justice is racial justice. There is no way to talk about equitable, effective, and just solutions to climate change without also talking about the disproportionate burdens that communities of color shoulder as the planet warms. The legacies of systemic racism and discrimination mea...

Policy Proximal Optimization ― A New Frontier in Reinforcement Learning

Welcome to the world of reinforcement learning. One of the key algorithms used in this field of artificial intelligence is Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). PPO is an algorithm used in reinforcement learning to train agents, but before we dive into Proximal Policy Optimization, let’s first u...

Gun Control Policy

The National Fire Arms Act was passed in 1934 after a period of mass shootings, chiefly associated with gangsters. These happened during the 1920s and saw interesting takes from citizens. While people feared these shootouts between lawmen and gangsters, people like Bonnie and Clyde were seen as famo...

Border? What Border? The New Republican Policy: Do Nothing

I’ve been wanting to write about cowardice in politics, particularly Republican politics. There are plenty of examples, but this week provides a glaring one, one even cynics like me find appalling. For the last year we have heard endless rants about the border and immigration crisis from th...

Policy Brief: Suicide Among Indigenous Youth

Suicide has become a leading cause of death for Americans, especially young Americans, in the last few decades but has wreaked disproportionate havoc among the most vulnerable groups in the United States, Indigenous people in particular. People who identify as American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/A...

The Mona Lisa: Leonardo’s Masterpiece and the Record-Breaking Art Insurance Policy

The artwork of the Mona Lisa, created by Leonardo da Vinci, epitomizes the absolute genius of Italian art. This masterpiece is considered grandiose for several reasons. Firstly, its enigmatic smile captivates the viewer, evoking fascination and mystery. Additionally, Leonardo’s technical maste...

Return Policy Of Azazie’s

Azazie’s return policy is designed to provide customers with a hassle-free experience when returning items. Most items can be returned within 30 days of delivery, as long as they are in their original condition with tags attached and have not been altered, worn, or washed. Azazie also accep...