Tag: Plutos

The Revolution is Here: Pluto in Aquarius in 2024

The alignment of the stars in 2024 suggests that this year will be one of collective awakenings, extremes in weather, seismic activity, and many dramatic events. Now, when I say dramatic and seismic events, yes I do mean earthquakes, but more specifically the stars predict that we may even s...

Pluto conjunct Natal South Node Transit: Impact on Houses

When Pluto conjuncts the Natal South Node in an astrological transit, it signifies a period of intense transformation, karmic reckoning, and the need to release old patterns, habits, and unresolved issues from the past. The South Node represents past life experiences and patterns that you carry into...

Pluto conjunct Natal North Node Transit: Impact on Houses

When Pluto conjuncts the Natal North Node in an astrological transit, it signifies a period of intense transformation, karmic significance, and profound shifts in your life’s path and purpose. The North Node represents your soul’s destiny and the direction in which you are meant to grow ...

Pluto’s Path Through Capricorn: Centuries of Transformation and Social Change

The late 8th century ushered in a period of cultural efflorescence in the Islamic world under Pluto's influence: - The House of Wisdom in Baghdad emerged as a center for the translation and preservation of ancient Greek and Roman texts. - The Islamic Golden Age witnessed advancements in scie...

Asteroids | The Technicality that Lead to Pluto’s Justified Demotion

The discovery of the asteroid belt proved to us that it was wholly necessary for Pluto to lose its status as a planet. Pluto resides at the farthest edge of our solar system, orbiting our sun at a relative snail’s pace (one year on Pluto lasts 248 earth years). For 76 years, we shared our s...