Tag: Plugin

Crafting a Swift Package Plugin for App Data Protection

Protecting data and intellectual property is a common but challenging task in software development. No developer wishes their individual or team efforts to be unlawfully exploited by intruders or competitors. While iOS apps provide significant security — provided by Apple encryption and runtim...

ArgoCD 2.8 — Plugin Generator

ArgoCD introduced us to the concepts of ApplicatioSets and Generators sometime ago, it had several Generators, such as the git generator or the list generator. ( to get full details on those go to the ArgoCD Docs). So in ArgoCD 2.8 ApplicationSet Controller has introduced to us a new type of...

Create Your First Swift Package Command Plugin

This year, Apple released a new feature for the Swift Package Manager: Swift Package Plugins. We can now write two kinds of plugins that are automatically integrated with Xcode: Build (and pre-build) Plugins. Command Plugins. I already talked about building plugins in a couple of articl...

Visualize the GNSS messages by RVIZ plugin, ROS

The team recorded the GNSS messages with novatel_span_driver which format is novatel_msgs/INSPVAX. But rviz_satellite only support sensor_msgs/NavSatFix Don’t worry, the wiki of novatel_span_driver told they will transform the data into sensor_msgs/NavSatF...