Tag: Persist

Democracy Defended, Peril Persists

American democracy dodged a bullet with the Democrats’ historic midterm election results. In the post-war era, there have been only three elections where the president’s party lost ten or less House seats while also not losing a Senate seat — 1962, 1998, and 2002. It is also t...

7 Reasons Why Neuromyths Persist, and How You Can Better Resist Them

In our post-truth world, misinformation, outright lies, wacko theories, and myths litter the media landscape. And myths about how our brains work—neuromyths—are no exception. Recent estimates suggest that 70 neuromyths are currently in circulation and are on the rise. In edu...

Ask Ethan: How long will life persist in our Universe?

One of the most humbling aspects of our Universe is the knowledge that, in enough times, all things will eventually pass away. New stars and stellar systems, while they’re expected to keep forming for many billions or even trillions of years to come, are on the decline, with the current star-f...