Tag: perfection

Amsterdam: the city of perfection?

I moved to Amsterdam last summer, a few months ago, to pursue my first bachelor’s degree in Communication Science, faculty that — as you may know — in Italy is much undervalued (as in many other south-European states). This seems not to occur in the Netherlands, where big marketing...

Rethinking Perfection: A Journey Beyond White Supremacy Culture

This concept struck a profound chord with me. Reflecting on my life, I see the pervasive shadow of this perfectionism. The countless hours spent agonizing over a grade less than an ‘A’, the missed opportunities due to fear of not being ‘good enough’, and the moments I chose t...

A Bowlful of Perfection: Discover the Best Ramen Ever!

Joshua Spacek, an American born chef and restaurateur from Portland Oregon, created the “magnifique” Shio ramen pictured above, as the featured dish of “Ramen Week” (November 29 to December 2, 2023) for his restaurant located in the ancient 12th century village of Les Ca...