Tag: Penis

I Have a Penis Problem

In the locker room after my workout, a lovely man strolled out of the shower fully nude. With each step, there was a resounding THWACK of his startlingly gigantic penis hitting his legs. “Sup,” he said. “Uh — hi,” I spluttered. I couldn’t help star...

Why does a woman talk about the insufficient size of a man’s penis? | Penis size | Relationship

Many men react quite painfully to such remarks. Some experience this as temporary castration, while for others the situation becomes a deterrent to the development of relationships. It is important to understand that most often in 98% of cases a man and the actual size of his penis do not matter at ...

The Penis of Dublin

They call it the Millennium Spire, casting a light on the otherwise dark and gloomy Irish weather. Five decades since Nelson blew up from his height, replaced by this metal rod. Men and women of all ages conglomerate here. James Joyce watches with frozen eyes as shuttle buses arrive from the airport...

Yes, I’m a Woman With a Penis

I’m seven years old. I’m in bed with two of my siblings. The rest had yet to be born. We shared a bed. All of the siblings are just in one bed. At night, we tell stories. One of us will say a sentence, then another will follow, and we will build a story from this one foundation...

Who Do You Get Your Penis Size From — Mom or Dad?

In a boring, homogeneous world, guys everywhere would have the same hair, the same body, the same dick. And every woman would have the same shape, and their vaginas would be the same size and color. On the one hand, it’d be pretty utilitarian to know exactly what you’re getting into when...