Tag: pen

Fountain pen review ~ Kaweco Brass Sport

I bought this pen almost out of solidarity for a “new to me” pen store I discovered in Perth. I visited the store on a quick getaway holiday towards the end of 2021, amidst the COVID madness. We were lucky we didn’t get caught in any COVID complexities and I was personall...

Old stoner gives Delta 8 pen thumbs up

Somebody said the Delta 8 high is sort of like the old-school weed found on the black market in the 1990s. I think that might be about right. There’s so much hype about Delta 8, a less commonly occurring cannabinoid in the marijuana plant than THC or even CBD. Because Delta 8 can be derived...

The Renaissance Pen and Paper

The Silk Road Odyssey Fast forward a few centuries, and our hero paper begins its epic journey westward along the Silk Road. Like a well-traveled influencer, it stopped at various cultural hotspots, absorbing influences along the way. Merchants, scholars, and adventurers alike carried the torch, ...