Tag: Peer

Why Peer Support Is So Important For Neurodivergent Adults

I’ve amassed a library of neurodivergence-related content in my head since my journey of discovery began in earnest about three years ago. Writing is my go-to method of processing it. I can’t remember much of said content coming from anyone who wasn’t neurodivergent. It was my f...

Peer Pressure and Hidden Elevators

One interesting aspect has been the peer pressure surrounding the whole thing. I’ve felt immensely self-aware every time I’m on a bus, or the subway, or even out on the street and have the urge to clear my throat. I wear a mask while teaching, and it makes my face gross and sweaty, so I ...

Teens Do Not “Become” Transgender Because of Social Media or Peer Pressure

I’d worked with trans clients for years — starting with my first, who was 16 at the time and living as female — when I began seeing more pre-teens and teens who were questioning whether they were trans, nonbinary, pan-sexual, or bisexual. Some of them weren’t sure of the diff...

Teens Do Not “Become” Transgender Because of Social Media or Peer Pressure

I’d worked with trans clients for years — starting with my first, who was 16 at the time and living as female — when I began seeing more pre-teens and teens who were questioning whether they were trans, nonbinary, pan-sexual, or bisexual. Some of them weren’t sure of the diff...